Accueil > Manifestations > Colloques, journées d’étude > Colloques 2017-2018 > Anatolian Rivers between East and West : Axes and Frontiers

Dernière modification : 15 septembre 2017

Anatolian Rivers between East and West : Axes and Frontiers

A series of three Workshops

Anatolian Rivers between East and West : Axes and Frontiers / The Connectivity of Rivers
Crédits : S. Bono-Lauriol / ANR-10-LABX-0099





 November 18th, 2016

The Connectivity of Rivers



Bilkent University, Ankara (Turkey)


The originality of our encounter is to bring together geographers, archaeologists and historians interested in river crossings by water (river navigation, hubs and crafts, floating systems) and from one bench to another (swimming, use of animals, mobile and fixed infrastructures – boat decks, wood and stone bridges, river and sea harbours and port installations)




Along The River - Students Exhibition
Crédits : Ekin Kiliç

Along the River

Students Exhibition
Curated by Agnieszka Srokosz and Ekin Kiliç

18-24 November 2016
Facuty of Art, Design ans Architecture - Bilkent University




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