Accueil > Recherche > Professeurs invités > Invités 2017-2018 > Alexei KRAIKOVSKI

Dernière modification : 19 avril 2018


École supérieure de l’Économie, Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie)
Invité du CMH – novembre et décembre 2017



14 novembre 2017 - 18h00

Université Paris-Sorbonne, Centre Malesherbes, aud. 317

"To look like maritime power” - visual impressions of the Grand Embassy and the transfer of European maritime technologies to Russia in the 18th c.

The presentation will be dedicated to the methods of analysis of the visual historical sources related to the history of technological transfers. The Grand Embassy of 1697 – 1698 provided a powerful impact for the transformation of Russia into the maritime power. I argue that the visual impressions were very important for this shift and on the lecture I will demonstrate the sources and methods that became basic for the reconstruction of the visual perception of European maritimeness by the Muscovites with the subsequent attempts to reproduce these visual images in Russia.


15 novembre 2017 - 17h00

EPHE, site Sorbonne, salle D059

icône vidéo “Like a Groom in his wedding day” - the Gulf of Finland as Metropolitan bay of Russia. The Baltic Sea in the environmental, technological and cultural history of St. Petersburg

The paper is built around the concept of Gulf of Finland as a former metropolitan bay of the “big St. Petersburg” which can be described as the area including the city itself and the territories easily and comfortably available for the citizens on the contemporary level of technologies. Therefore, this concept has environmental, technological, social and cultural aspects that are to be discussed in more details. The history of interrelations between the Gulf of Finland and the Northern capital of Russia considered as an important part of the “Big St. Petersburg” concept is to be studied through more general historic context. Firstly, this is a part of the Europeanization and Westernization of Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Russians considered the Eastern Baltic region as the most European part of the enormous Empire from the cultural point of view and therefore St. Petersburg as the metropolitan center of this area and a gateway for this “europeanness” into the space of Eurasia. Looking for the global comparative perspective, we propose to pay attention to the case of Macau and Hong Kong. Those ports, the Eastern gateways of Eurasia in the estuary of the Pearl river opening the way for the Europeanness into the central parts of another continental Empire, seem to be much better comparable with the case of the Russian metropolitan bay than the frequently cited examples of Venice, Amsterdam and London.


16 novembre 2017 - 15h00

EHESS, salle des artistes, 96 boulevard Raspail

Dans le cadre du séminaire : Ingénieurs, professions techniques et sociétés : Naissance et évolution des sciences de l’ingénieur

Expanding modernity. The canal network and the transfer of European shipbuilding technologies to the regions of Russia in the 18th century

The paper will discuss the governmental projects of modernization and westernization of transportation and fishing shipbuilding in the regions of Russia (the North, the Volga basin, the North-West with the Ladoga lake) through the perspective of geography of modernity in the Russian Empire. I will present the organizational structures of transfers with the Particular shipyard as a core as well as instruments of knowledge circulation. Special emphasis will be made on the problem of experts. The transformation of shipbuilders from the mere carpenters to the elite technical staff was the general tendency of the European development of shipbuilding industry and the Russian page of this story is still significantly understudied. To what extent the modernization of shipbuilding practices was connected in the eyes of the government to the social transformation from the peasant with axe to the expert with linear plan ? How the knowledge was recorded and transported ? What was the role of technical graphic and models ? In the conclusion I will discuss the question of success in connection to these projects.


11 décembre 2017 - 18h00

Université Paris-Sorbonne, Centre Roland Mousnier (UMR 8596)

Les transferts des habitudes de consommation de poissons et de fruits de mer dans le contexte de l’européanisation de la Russie au XVIIIe siècle

The presentation will discuss the history of the governmental attempts to transform the consumption structure in Russia in order to Europeanize the everyday life in the country in the framework of the grandiose modernization of Petrine and Post-Petrine time. I will demonstrate the trend from the intention to introduce new products to the market (herring and oysters) to the eventual project of introduction of the new methods of fish preservation and new species into the Gulf of Finland. The context of the construction of the new reality that was imagined and represented as European united all these apparently separated activities into the history of continuous governmental efforts with clear goal.


  • Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles

    14 novembre 2017 - 18h00-20h00
    Université Paris-Sorbonne, Centre Malesherbes, aud. 317
    108 boulevard Malesherbes 75017

    15 novembre 2017 - 17h00-19h00
    EPHE, site Sorbonne
    salle D059, esc. E, 1er étage
    1 rue Victor Cousin, 75005

    16 novembre 2017 - 15h00-17h00
    EHESS, salle des Artistes
    96 boulevard Raspail, 75006

    11 décembre 2017 - 18h00-20h00
    Centre Roland Mousnier
    Université Paris-Sorbonne, site Sorbonne
    esc. G, 1er étage et demi
    1 rue Victor Cousin, 75005

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