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Three Conferences on International Monetary History
Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History

Georges Depeyrot (éd.), Catherine Brégianni et Marina Kovalchuk (coop.)

Moneta 156

Moneta 156
Crédits : Moneta

Business with Money : Monetary Politics and Capital Flows in the Era of the First Globalization, Session of the European Business History Association and Business History Society of Japan, Paris conference on Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global, 30 Aug - 1 Sept 2012

Small change : bronze or copper coins from Antiquity to 19th c., Round Table of the « Silver Monetary Depreciation and International Relations » program (ANR DAMIN, LabEx TransferS), Paris, École Normale Supérieure, May 13-14, 2013

Transfers of precious metals and their consequences, 16th – 19th c. Round Table of the « Silver Monetary Depreciation and International Relations » program (ANR DAMIN, LabEx TransferS), Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, May 16-17, 2013


The specific interaction between the local and the global, but also between the national and the private, demonstrating the globalisation’s mechanisms during the last decades of the 19th century, was the central questions examined in the Session « Business with money : monetary politics and capital flows in the era of the first globalisation » organised by C. Brégianni in the framework of the XVI EBHA Conference, Paris, EHESS, 29 August - 1 September 2012. In this Session we tried to apply a comparative approach concerning monetary systems and numismatic activity ; we attended to investigate the past experiences of monetary cooperation but also the cultural transfer and the economic asymmetry that coin’s fabrication often represents.

The round table « Small change : bronze or copper coins from Antiquity to 19th c., » was organized by Georges Depeyrot in Paris at the École Normale Supérieure in 2013 (13 - 14 May) in the framework of the ANR DAMIN program and of the LabEx TransferS. During this meeting, the participants tried to understand the role of the small coins (copper, bronze, brass, etc.) in the economy, in the monetarisation of societies and the relation between small change and gold and silver coins.

The last round table « Transfers of precious metals and their consequences, 16th – 19th » took place in Madrid at the Casa de Velázquez on 16 - 17 May 2013. It was organized by Georges Depeyrot and Marina Kovalchuk in the framework of the ANR DAMIN program and of the LabEx TransferS with the support of the Casa de Velázquez. The aim was to compare the consequences of the two main arrivals of precious metals in history, during the 16th century and during the 19th century. The choice of Madrid was linked to the role of Spain and Portugal in relation with the first arrival of gold and silver.


G. Depeyrot (éd.). Three Conferences on International Monetary History. Wetteren : Moneta, 2013 (Moneta. Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History ; 156), 474 p. ISBN 978‑94‑91384‑24‑0

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