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Les discours de la mondialisation : Glossaire numérique 2015-2016



Mardi 17 novembre - Institut du Monde anglophone - Salle 16 (5 rue de l’École de Médecine, Paris 5e) - 17h30-19h30

« From CanLit to CanLits : The Reformation of a Discipline, » 
Smaro Kamboureli, Avie Bennett Chair in Canadian Literature

Professor Smaro Kamboureli will be talking via, around, and about the TransCanada project that she launched and led a few years ago, a collaborative endeavour that has engaged with the formation of Canadian literature as a discipline and recent developments that have shifted the field toward new directions. Her discussion of these shifts, which she hopes to develop through dialogue with the audience, will be based on her critical introductions to two of the volumes that have resulted from the TransCanada project : Shifting the Ground of Canadian Literary Studies (Smaro Kamboureli and Robert Zacharias, ed., Waterloo : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2012) and Critical Collaborations : Indigeneity, Diaspora, and Ecology in Canadian Literary Studies (Smaro Kamboureli and Christl Verduyn, ed., Waterloo : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2014).

Smaro Kamboureli specializes in contemporary Canadian literature and criticism. Before joining the University of Toronto, she taught at the School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph where she was Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 1 in Critical Studies in Canadian Literature. Her CRC research project included founding and directing the TransCanada Institute, organizing three international and interdisciplinary TransCanada conferences, and initiating collaborative research on the methodologies and institutional structures and contexts that inform and shape the production, dissemination, teaching, and study of Canadian literature. Before moving to Guelph, she taught for many years at the University of Victoria. On the Board of NeWest Press (Edmonton) and one of its in-house editors since 1981, she is the founder and editor of its series The Writer as Critic that has published such Canadian authors as Phyllis Webb, Roy Miki, Fred Wah, Erin Moure, Di Brandt, Daphne Marlatt, and George Bowering. She is also the founder and general editor of the TransCanada Series of books at Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Her book Scandalous Bodies : Diasporic Literature in English Canada received the Gabrielle Roy Prize for Canadian Criticism, and she was a finalist for the 2011 Lois Hole Award for Editorial Excellence (Book Publishers of Alberta Association) and Tom Fairley Award For Editorial Excellence (Editors’ Association of Canada). Her most recent publications include Writing the Foreign in Canadian Literature and Humanitarian Narratives, a University of Toronto Quarterly special issue that she guest-edited, with an Introduction under the same title (Volume 82, Number 2, Spring 2013), and Lee Maracle, Memory Serves : Oratories (2015), which she has edited and wrote an Afterword for.

The texts of the two critical introductions that will be discussed are available as pdfs on demand prior to the seminar.






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