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Dernière modification : 1er mars 2017

Gandhi : Law and the Law-giver

Rencontre avec Divya Dwivedi et Shaj Mohan

Mercredi 1er mars 2017

École normale supérieure – Salle Cavaillès


Dans le cadre de la Revue des femmes philosophes de l’UNESCO, n°3 : « Intellectuels, philosophes, femmes en Inde : des espèces en danger », Barbara Cassin et Marc Crépon ont le plaisir d’accueillir deux grandes figures de la philosophie en Inde : Divya DWIVEDI et Shaj MOHAN.


Gandhi : Law and the Law-giver

Gandhi was trained in law and he practiced as lawyer for some time. However, the determinations given by him to the term Law are distinct from the practices of the legal institutions before which he often appeared as the under-trial. Gandhi understood the laws of the legal system to be operating in opposition to the Law which is true. Gandhi would often refer to the true laws as « the Maker’s Law ». Yet, it is not that the Maker, as the sovereign of all that He made, is the empty power which promulgates the Laws from which He is exempt. As Gandhi reminds us « The Law and the Law-giver are one » ; the identity between the two insists even when there are miracles and divine chastisements. The two senses of the Law and the possibilities of movements between them generates Gandhi’s politics.


Divya Dwivedi is a philosopher based in the sub-continent. She teaches Philosophy and Literature at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. She is the co-editor with Sanil V of Public Sphere from outside the West (Bloomsbury Academic, London 2015). Her forthcoming publications include a philosophical monograph on Gandhi with Shaj Mohan, Narratology and Ideology co-edited with Richard Walsh and Henrik Skov Nielsen (forthcoming, Ohio State University Press), and ’Anti-Mimetic Theory and Postcolonialism’ in the Edinburgh Companion to Narrative Theory.

Shaj Mohan is a philosopher based in the sub-continent. His recent research and publications have been on metaphysics, information technology, and the new forms of politics. He is the co-editor, with Dwivedi and J. Reghu, of the forthcoming volume of essays « Politics of Conversion » (Bloomsbury Academic, London). His philosophical monograph on Gandhi with Divya Dwivedi Gandhi and Philosophy : On Theological Anti-Politics is forthcoming.


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